How can we convert 30kg to lb??

 This can be regarded as a very popular question among a lot of kids these days. Questions like these are very common in the examinations of children studying in primary level school. In the case of older children too, such conversions are frequently observed in their physics and chemistry numericals. Here, we will be discussing how to convert 30kg to lb. Apart from the above mentioned academic uses, these conversions are also very important in our everyday lives. For example, there might be different situations in our daily life, where we have to convert quantities in kilograms to pounds. These include scenarios like shopping, planning a diet chart, calculation of BMI, calculation of dose of medications, etc. Thus, during these situations, if we don’t know how to carry out the conversion, then it can be regarded as very embarrassing. Hence, this discussion can be regarded as very important for everyone irrespective of their ages. Here, we will be discussing the steps involved in the conversion of this given quantity from kg to lb. Thereafter, we will also be discussing some of the vital points that should be kept in mind while carrying out these conversions. So, without further delay, let’s get into our discussion of this vital topic.

Conversion of 30kg to lb

  1. The first step involved in the process of conversion of a quantity from one scale to another is the determination of the interrelationship between the two given scales. In this case, we have to determine the relationship between kg and lb. Now, 1 kg is equivalent to 2.20462 pounds. Thus, this can be regarded as the required interrelationship between kg and pounds. Now, using this relationship we can easily convert the given quantity from kg to lbs.

In the case of adults, they can easily determine this relationship with the help of the internet. But in the case of small children, this is not at all possible. Firstly, they have very limited access to the internet. Secondly, they are not allowed to take help from any external sources during examinations. Thus, in the case of children, it is highly recommended that they memorize these interrelationships. This will greatly help them to carry out these conversions without any problem. Now, let’s take a look at the next step of this conversion procedure.

  1. This step can be regarded as very simple and here, we will be using the above mentioned relationship to carry out the conversion. This step involves some simple mathematical calculations. As we have already stated, 1 kg is equivalent to 2.20462 pounds. So, in order to convert 30kg to lb, we have to multiply 30 by 2.20462. This will give us the value 66.1386 pounds. In other words, 30 kg is equivalent to 66.1386 pounds. Thus, this can be regarded as the correct answer to the given question.

Important points to be kept in mind

  1. First of all, the teachers should always try to break the entire process of conversion into simple steps. Thereafter, they should explain each of these steps to the children in detail. This will help them to develop a clear concept regarding these conversions.

  1. Secondly, the teachers should always ensure that the children remain focussed and attentive while carrying out these conversions. They should also develop a habit of regularly practicing these conversions.


Thus, from our discussion of the topic, it can be concluded that if we convert 30kg to lb, we will get 66.1386 pounds. Here, we have discussed the steps involved in the process of this conversion in detail. Thereafter, we have discussed some important points that should be kept in mind while carrying out these conversions. Thus, this discussion can be regarded as very informative for both the kids as well as the adults.


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